3 ways to develop your thought leader status

3 ways to develop your thought leader status

Thought leadership. A well-used term (and a little bit wanky if you ask me!) But what does it actually mean? Since leaving corporate life and becoming immersed in the entrepreneurial world, I really feel the term has come into its own. Thought leadership simply put...
When you don’t have the energy to be visible

When you don’t have the energy to be visible

Do you get those days when you just want to be invisible? When energy is low and all you want to do I curl up and hide? As a Mum, I frequently get days like this. Poorly kids, no sleep, a to-do list as long as my arm. Those energy zappers are everywhere! And yet,...
3 quick tips to get you out of the quicksand

3 quick tips to get you out of the quicksand

Last week was a bit of a tricky one. My son was very poorly and (understandably) everything was thrown up in the air for a good few days. In my sleep deprived delirium I wasn’t much use to anyone apart from my son, and so I moved the goal posts and was grateful...
Getting visibility with a larger audience

Getting visibility with a larger audience

How visible are you right now? Are you finding it a bit of an uphill struggle? An energy draining exercise that you constantly feel you are pushing against? I certainly know how that feels. With all that effort and time spent, you want to shrink further into yourself,...
3 reasons you are hiding

3 reasons you are hiding

This week has been a right hum dinger. A few things happened to knock me off my perch and try as I might, I found it tricky to show up consistently. My energy was reserved first and foremost for my clients, who I see achieving amazing things every day (and that really...

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