
Mastering Your Signature Keynote Talk: A Step-by-Step Guide

As a speaker, coach, or consultant, delivering a powerful keynote talk can set you apart as a thought leader in your field. And it's the most frequent thing I am called on to support my clients in co-creating.  It’s a fantastic tool to have in your belt, has so many...

11 story structures for your content, talks and presentations

In today's digital age, the ability to communicate effectively is more important than ever.  Whether you're leading a team, building a brand, or presenting an idea, storytelling is a powerful tool that can elevate your message and engage your audience. As an...

Embracing the pit moments in our stories

In the world of storytelling, the "hero's journey" is a classic structure used to communicate powerful narratives.  Whether in presentations, keynote talks, or TED talks, this structure highlights the transformative journey of overcoming significant challenges. We all...

Encouraging disagreement in conflict averse cultures

Conflict has always been a challenging area for me.  If you've heard me share any of my stories you may know that avoiding conflict was something I struggled with for a long time.  As a child, I found conflict incredibly anxiety-inducing and would go to great lengths...

How to unlock corporate success with the chocolate room strategy

As a coach, consultant, or small business owner, navigating the corporate world can feel like entering a complex maze.  A lot of clients come to me with a head full of knowledge and expertise that can really benefit corporate leaders and employees.  And yet they don’t...

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