Hey, I'm Helen

I help entrepreneurs, coaches and leaders get recognised as experts and achieve more through the power of their words.

Whether you want to be known as the go-to thought-leader in your industry, share your story and ideas as a keynote speaker or become a pro at online delivery, I’m here to guide and support you, every step of the way.

I believe in achieving big goals and dreams

I believe that everyone has the power to make a big impact with their words

But, most importantly,

I believe in you

Anything can be real

if you use your imagination’

Back in 2012, a few months after the birth of my daughter, my world changed forever. Through the haze of sleep-deprived parenthood, I began to feel untethered from reality and couldn’t relate to who I was before. The career I’d loved for 15 years in corporate leadership development suddenly seemed like a whole world away. My confidence and self-esteem was at rock bottom, i developed an anxiety disorder and couldn’t even face speaking to friends in the street. So I left my career, hid away from the world and became a fraction of my former self.

I spent a lot of time eating coffee and walnut cake, binging on Netflix and numbing myself from my real feelings. After the birth of my son things spiralled out of control. 


 Coffee and walnut cake couldn’t drown out the noise.

I had to wake up. It was time for me step up, get visible and help other people to find their voice too.

Over the next couple of years I went on a transformational journey of personal growth and development.

It started with these three simple steps that I still revert back to every single day.

Make a choice to become self-aware. Change the beliefs you have about yourself. Believe you are worthy. 

Begin to dream in technicolour. Imagine the possibilities. Visualise yourself achieving your wildest dreams. Imagining the best possible outcome gives you the courage and confidence to…

Take action. Move one step forward at a time. Do something every day to get closer to your goals. If it scares you it’s a good thing. Honest!  

A dream written down with a date becomes a goal.

A goal broken down into steps becomes a plan.

A plan backed by action makes your dreams come true.

– Greg S. Reid

Working with Helen has been incredible.  I’m now able to walk into a room and share my story with confidence. She has taught me the skills to adapt my stories for different audiences and situations with ease.  And I have a huge depth of stories that were there but were hidden from my view – she helped me find them again.  As part of our time working together I developed the outline for a book that I had been dreaming about writing.  I approached a national publisher and we have a face to face meeting next week to discuss it in more detail.  I owe this to Helen
Kim Palmer

Clementine App

I went from hiding in the shadows to doing things I never thought possible. 

Standing on the TEDx stage in front of 1500 people at The Brighton Dome (after swearing I’d never speak or train in  public again.) 

Running an annual leadership conference in Brighton

Featuring in the national press

And returning to support leaders in the corporate world to achieve their dream goals too. 

I’ve created a powerful collection of services to help you reach credibility and financial success with integrity, honesty, passion and fun. (Because, let’s be honest, we all need a good laugh too!)  

Have you been hiding in the shadows? Are you unsure how to really make your mark as a leader in the new virtual landscape? Or are you stuck at a plateau in your business and need to find new and creative ways to drive more leads and sales? 

Then I believe it’s time for you to step-out into the spotlight to make your dreams come true.

How could you create more impact as a motivational leader,

a confident speaker or a thriving business owner?

When you join my community or work with me on a 1-1 or group programme, there’s one thing you can be sure of…

Beneath the fun-loving exterior I will always bring 100% professionalism, expertise, energy, authenticity and value to everything I do.


I know that I could never have achieved what I have if I hadn’t had my amazing coach, Helen, by my side. Helen helped me to put real structure into my business, but she also helped me to realise that I was unique and I did have something very special to offer. I didn’t believe that when I started. I highly recommend that anyone who wants to really make a difference seriously considers working with this amazing lady.’
Jules White

Coach, Compassio Coaching

‘Working with Helen has been an absolute game changer. I have a clear plan, I’m running at peak confidence and above all, I started signing high-end clients within weeks of us starting working together. I’ve gone from thinking about going back to my corporate career to feeling as though I have a successful and sustainable high-end coaching business. Telling my story in video format is, I think, one of the biggest breakthrough’s I’ve ever had. Just genius.’
Rebecca Morley

Coach, Rebecca Morley

So, here’s how I can help you…


Book in a complimentary call and let’s talk about yours, your team’s or your organisation’s current needs. I tailor everything specifically to you.

As Seen In

Qualifications and Certificates

Foundation degree in Psychology

Certificate in Executive Coaching and Mentoring (ILM Level 7)

NLP Practitioner

British Psychological Society Certificates in Psychometric testing

CIPD Certificate in Training Practice

Hogan development tools, Myers Briggs, Strengthscope and PI.

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