How can I help you?

How can I help you?

This week is a pretty exciting one. It’s my birthday on Thursday and I’m excited to celebrate with my kids and bubble family! A little different from last year’s shenanigans but I’m so grateful to be with friends and family who are all safe and well. I’ve also been...
The key to keeping going

The key to keeping going

The blur of January has now moved into a new month and with the announcements last week that schools aren’t going back till at least mid March it can be a little overwhelming. Whatever your situation, I know that you will most likely be feeling it right now. There is...
One key step to sharing your story

One key step to sharing your story

How are you doing? Amidst the craziness of lockdown juggling I had a coaching call with a client the other day. We have been working on various strategies for him to hone in on his areas of expertise and pursue corporate and customer opportunities. One thing he isn’t...

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