3 things stopping you from landing a TEDx talk

3 things stopping you from landing a TEDx talk

Do you have TED on your vision board? You may have applied and not got anywhere and are wondering if it’s worth the bother. I wholeheartedly say it is! Keep going and don’t give up. It’ll be worth it I promise. But If you’ve tried and (so far) failed to secure a...
How to develop your idea worth spreading

How to develop your idea worth spreading

Most people I speak to about landing a TEDx gig have a number of reservations.  The biggest is what on earth to speak about that would be relevant to them, what they do and how they help people, whilst also being an ‘idea worth spreading.’  Mark Twain said: ‘There is...
3 ways to dissolve stage fright

3 ways to dissolve stage fright

Does the thought of giving a talk make you melt with nerves?  I still get nervous before delivering a talk whether it’s in real life or virtual. But nothing quite like when I stood on the stage at the Brighton Dome and gave my TEDx talk. It was the first time I’d...
3 things to consider when deciding your talk topic

3 things to consider when deciding your talk topic

I come into contact with some pretty awesome people in my work. People who have lived experiences, inspiring stories and wisdom to share. People with incredible insight into their industry and what’s to come. People who have done extensive work in a particular area...
How to develop an expert method

How to develop an expert method

Last year I started writing a book, condensing all of my approaches, tools and mindset hacks into an easy to follow format. Writing a book wasn’t a super easy task for me! Other things took over and I had to put a pause on it for a while.  But I’ve recently dusted off...
Why connection is key to human happiness

Why connection is key to human happiness

Week one of the summer holidays is nearly complete! And as always, switching gears has enabled me to reflect.  I don’t know if you can relate to this, but without knowing it, I have been experiencing Covid Lag for a while now. I’ve still been operating subconsciously...

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