How I Learnt To Sell

How I Learnt To Sell

When I first left the corporate world I suddenly realised that there were a bucket load of skills that I didn’t possess. I had no idea what marketing was all about, didn’t have the first clue about how to keep accounts, and the thought of selling gave me the heebie...
No Adversity In Your Story?

No Adversity In Your Story?

I work with entrepreneurs just like you every day. And one of the biggest hurdles I help them overcome is owning and appreciating that their story is worth sharing. One of the biggest challenges I hear is – ‘My story isn’t full of great adversity. I don’t know...
6 Ways You Can Afford To Attend EL Live

6 Ways You Can Afford To Attend EL Live

I’ve spoken to a few peeps recently and I’m hearing a bit of a pattern. You want to invest in yourself but you can’t yet quite justify spending money on things like coaching or live events when you aren’t bringing in enough clients or customers into your business....
I’ve Been Inundated

I’ve Been Inundated

Have you ever pitched for a speaking gig? I remember when I first resurrected my speaking career. It started a few months before I landed my TEDx gig. I did a google search for all the events that were happening in and around my area, got the email addresses and sent...
Leopards Can Change Their Spots

Leopards Can Change Their Spots

When I was growing up, I was told I was too nice because I trusted people immediately. I always believed in the people I met, thought positively about them and wanted to help them wherever I could. Over the years, putting faith in most people I meet has bitten me on...

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