A simple time management tool that works

A simple time management tool that works

I’m just dropping in with a temperature check as we are now in the last full week of January. As we know January can be a tricky month and in my experience, it can either go one of two ways. You felt good moving into the new year with intention (whatever that...
Reflections on 2022

Reflections on 2022

So here we are in the final throws of 2022! How has it been for you? I know that this year has provided many challenges, not only from a global and economic perspective, but also emerging from the pandemic and thrusting ourselves back into normality with such force it...
How to get out of a victim mindset

How to get out of a victim mindset

I had a 3 AM epiphany the other day.  I’ve been experiencing some personal challenges recently and found myself in the quagmire of stuckness. It had built over a few weeks with more and more incidents until I hit my peak in the dead of night and the solution finally...

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