All that for that

All that for that

​​I’m just popping in to let you know that my brand new online speaker boot camp is kicking off on Monday! I’m super excited to be delivering 2 online workshops helping you craft your signature talk from start to finish. A few things for you to know I will take you...
Why saying yes isn’t always great

Why saying yes isn’t always great

I have a confession to make. I’ve been ‘highlighting’ quite a bit recently. Do you do it? It’s when your business necessitates that you show up, but your content isn’t reflecting what’s actually going on in life and business right now. Yep that’s me. Guilty as...
It’s not what you think it is

It’s not what you think it is

I’ve spoken to a few prospective new clients in the last week and I’ve heard a few similar things crop up.  They have a clear idea on what a sought after speaker looks like in their head… Polished and professional Has a lot of experience in standing up and delivering...
The foundations of good speaking practice

The foundations of good speaking practice

This week I’m sharing in my Facebook community Sought After Speakers how to enhance your speaking skills.  Today I’m sharing what I feel are the foundations of good speaking practice.  This will be different wherever you decide to get speaker training. My speaking...
I’ve cracked meditation

I’ve cracked meditation

I bet you have set some health focused goals moving into 2020. It’s something we all want to do more of. I’ve been pretty good at prioritising exercise and journaling, however the one thing that I haven’t been able to crack consistently is my meditation practice.  I...

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