What to do first on your speaker journey

What to do first on your speaker journey

I just came off a fab call with a future client. We were chatting about his goals and where he was headed. I asked him where he was on his journey. You see, before you take to the stage, you need to ensure you have 100% clarity on a few things in order to create the...
It’s like magic

It’s like magic

What’s the thing you do in your business that has been a delightful surprise?  Maybe it’s something you didn’t know you had a knack or skill for. Or it might be a method or process that has evolved over time that you love getting stuck into. For me? It’s the process...
Are you sure that’s appropriate?

Are you sure that’s appropriate?

Last week I did a photoshoot in Brighton. I, maybe like you, am the face of my business so it’s always good to keep my brand fresh with up to date photos for my website and social media channels. My business is mainly in speaker coaching, but with all the events...
I wouldn’t have got on top of the plane!

I wouldn’t have got on top of the plane!

You may or may not know that last October I did a wing walk to raise money for Pancreatic Cancer in memory of my Dad. It was a crazy awesome experience. I raised £1500 for charity and nearly had my head blown off by the wind! You can check out a little clip of it...

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