I was so upset

I was so upset

Have you ever lost an object that was really special to you? You have no idea where you left it but you know it MUST be somewhere?  I had that very same sinking feeling about six months ago after a trip to New York. My Dad (who was going through treatment for...
Why Storytelling is the secret weapon

Why Storytelling is the secret weapon

It’s only been in the last year that I have been able to truly harness a superpower that I built over many years in corporate.That superpower is the art of storytelling. I used to coach and train leaders to deliver complex, often quite dull and boring messages into...
Stop scrolling and do this

Stop scrolling and do this

How many times do I have to tell you (and myself) the same thing? It’s an ongoing plight of an entrepreneur to keep looking left and right and becoming wobbly and dissatisfied with what they are doing. Self doubt Comparison Next level envy Launch envy  Visibility...
Are you ready for the next level?

Are you ready for the next level?

I remember clearly when I was ready to take my speaking game to the next level. I’d been pulling on my years of corporate experience up until summer last year. I used to train, coach and facilitate senior leaders every day. That training and facilitation was all...
This is the absolute truth

This is the absolute truth

‘I cannot go through life without being fully expressed.’ A very strong and powerful lesson I have learnt by working on myself this past year. I was having a conversation with my coach the other day about a situation I was finding difficult and this statement...

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