A few years ago I took the step to niche down in my business. Before then I was floundering around (as a lot of small biz owners do!) I had a broad message and wasn’t owning my expertise.

Since taking the plunge and focusing on verbal communication and speaking, things have really aligned. In narrowing down I was able to:

  • Pinpoint the key parts of my story that would resonate with my ideal client.
  • Start working on specific services and products that would give my clients results
  • Focus on key things that would help me reach the right people with my story and message
  • And start creating a method and system for my services.

The system emerged from working with clients in one to one and group scenarios, identifying their key problems and working with them on solutions.

It’s called The AIR System, and it stands for:





In my opinion these are three crucial areas of focus to help you to:

  • Increase your expert status and what you are known for
  • Upskill your communication so that you say the right things in the right way
  • Expand your world so that you can help more people and reach them with your message and story

And today I’m excited to share with you that I’ve taken it one step further.

I’ve created an assessment based on the system to help you determine where you are and where you want to be in each of these three areas.

It’s free to access and simple to complete.

It gives you a visual representation of where you currently fall

And it includes a practical action plan to help you start taking steps forward today to really gain traction in your business.

You can grab it here completely free here – https://helenpackham.lpages.co/no-cookie-air-assessment-hp-home-page-free-opt-in/

All you need is 15 minutes of quiet headspace (and maybe a cuppa or drink of choice.)

I’d love to know what you think and am here to support you with your results! Just download the free assessment here and hit reply to let me know how you get on.

Much love


Ps If you missed it here is that link again.

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