I told you about my recent rumble in the jungle and subsequent uplevel last week. 

It’s been such an interesting time, as I am sure it has been for you too. It kind of feels like lockdown (and other events) built up a load of layers that clouded my thinking and got me all out of kilter. 

Now that the fog is clearing I feel like I’m peeling off those heavy layers that were weighing me down and climbing the mountain of clarity and confidence again. 

I’m poking my head through the clouds and it feels so good!

Can you relate?

And now we are entering the second phase, I am super determined that lockdown 2 will be spent being laser focused on health, wealth and human connection (abiding to rules of course!)

Are you with me?!

As with any uplevelling process, I’m shaking things up big time, looking at what’s working, what I can improve and how I can do things differently. 

One way of doing that is by delivering services that people really need, that do the job, and that people can access easily. 

So this week I’m doing some research. If you open my emails and read them I am entirely grateful! Thank you so much for being part of my world.

I really want to serve you. 

But I want to make sure that I’m delivering exactly what you need.

Some feedback I have had recently is that people can’t afford my 121 services right now, but need more than my self-study courses by way of support.

So I’m listening and will be providing some live, interactive, highly practical and high-value workshops on things you need the most. 

I’d be so grateful if you are able to take a few seconds to answer a few qs on this survey.


I’ll be giving a 45 minute stand out strategy coaching session to one person (name out of a hat job!) that fills in the survey. 

All it takes is a few seconds. Thank you so much! It will enable me to do what I do best in order to get you the results you really want. 


PLUS! – I’ll be going live at 10.30 am on Tuesday 10th November in my Facebook community Sought After Speakers to share my recent uplevelling journey and get some direct feedback about your current needs right now.

Much love


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Helen Packham
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