I reached a poignant moment in my business last week.

My pal and colleague Lisa Moore and I recorded our final episode after three years of presenting the Radio Reverb Brighton Business Show.

We’ve learnt SO much in this time and will miss it!

Some highlights were:

  • Giving a live radio broadcast in the middle of the Brighton Dome and interviewing some inspiring people for International Women’s Day. It was hectic but a truly wonderful experience!
  • Learning how to interview, edit and cue music in a live radio studio. I’m no tech genius but I found this so much fun. It’s definitely something I want to continue to develop.
  • Honing the ability to have quick, to-the-point conversations that keep interest and energy high. I’m used to public speaking but recorded two-way dialogue with purpose was quite a new thing.
  • Working in partnership to bring people from the small business world from all over Brighton and Sussex. I was inspired by what all these clever people are doing and how they pivoted in lockdown.

Meeting the crossroads

If you run your own business you will know that it is always evolving, reshaping, and adapting. And for me (and Lisa too) it felt like the right time to get focused on where to place my energies for the next few years for the outcomes I wanted to achieve.

Are you currently experiencing a crossroads of some sort, not sure what to keep, what to let go of and where to focus next?

If so, I’m sharing with you some self-reflecting questions I used to help me come to this decision, and a whole load of other ones too.

What to ask yourself in order to focus on the right things in 2023 and beyond

Take about 20 minutes with a cuppa, some paper, and a pen, and ask yourself these questions:

  • What work am I doing that is currently giving me the most joy and benefit as output in relation to what I’m putting in?
  • What am I currently not doing that I want to be doing in the next 12-24 months?
  • What are my longer-term goals?
  • Where do I need to focus my energy in the next two years to achieve them?
  • What things will help me to continue expanding my comfort zone?
  • What have I been shying away from due to limiting beliefs that may feel scary but will ultimately be good for me?
  • What feels exciting?
  • What do I need to let go of in order for me to continue to evolve and move forward?

After asking myself these questions I was able to decide what to let go of, what to bring with me and what new projects I could take on.

This ultimately led to the decision of saying goodbye to the business show in order to make room for some new things (more on those very soon!)

How about you? If you complete the exercise, email me at hello@helenpackham.com.

And if you fancy catching our last show, you can tune into 97.2FM or on Radio Reverb on the DAB or site player on Sunday, October 16th at 3 pm where Lisa and I share our reflections and introduce the fabulous new hosts, Ben Duffy and Lyndsey Clay. The show is passing to great hands.

Much love,

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