Imagine if just a few well-chosen words could transform the way you communicate and influence others. 

In my experience, which has been an entire career and business focused on behaviour and communication, it really can be just as simple as that. 

And the great news is this stuff CAN be learnt. And by learning and applying techniques and tools in communication and influence, you can alter your conversations for hugely increased results. 

Effective communication is a skill that can set you apart, whether you’re leading a team, closing deals, or building relationships. 

In my recent podcast episode, I had the pleasure of speaking with Phil M Jones, an expert on persuasion and the author of the best-selling “Exactly What to Say” series.

Phil shared some incredibly practical strategies that can help you navigate complex conversations and lead with integrity.

Such as:

Creating common ground with “I bet you’re a bit like me” 

This simple yet powerful phrase helps to establish common ground, especially in situations where there might be disagreement. By finding a thread of similarity, you can lower the temperature of a conversation, build trust, and create a foundation for more productive dialogue.

Rejection-free openers: “I’m not sure if it’s for you, but…”

This phrase is particularly useful when managing upwards or introducing new ideas to senior leadership. It invites the other person to consider your proposal without feeling pressured, making it easier to gain their buy-in.

Harnessing Curiosity as a Leadership Tool: Curiosity is more than just a trait

it’s a leadership superpower. Phil highlighted the importance of asking strategic, curiosity-driven questions to gain deeper insights and uncover opportunities that might otherwise go unnoticed. This approach not only helps in gathering valuable information but also in building stronger, more trusting relationships.

Reflective Questions to help you build these strategies into your conversations:

  • How can you use the phrase “I bet you’re a bit like me” to create common ground in your next conversation?
  • Where can you introduce a new idea with rejection-free openers like “I’m not sure if it’s for you, but…” to lower resistance?
  • What strategic questions can you ask to deepen your understanding and influence outcomes?

Ready to learn more? Listen to the full podcast episode here and start applying these strategies today.

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