In the world of public speaking, commanding 10k+ for a single talk is the ultimate goal for many coaches, consultants, and business owners. 

But what does it actually take to get there? 

The path to becoming a high-ticket speaker is a journey, with distinct stages that each come with their own challenges.

Here’s a breakdown of the steps that successful speakers follow, and how you can navigate each phase:

Stage 1: Building a foundation

Everyone wants to skip this phase, but it’s critical. Speaking for free allows you to:

  • Gain experience: every talk you give is an opportunity to refine your message, adjust your delivery, and learn what resonates with your audience.
  • Build your portfolio: use these opportunities to record your talks, gather testimonials, and create a body of work that showcases your talent.
  • Network and connect: free talks are often stepping stones to paid gigs through relationships built with event organisers and other speakers.

Stage 2: Gaining visibility and credibility

Once you’ve established yourself through free speaking engagements, it’s time to start charging smaller fees. At this stage, you’re no longer just practising—you’re demonstrating value.

Here’s how to leverage this phase:

  • Set modest fees: Typically, you’ll start charging anywhere from £500 to £2,000 depending on the event. You’re not commanding premium rates yet, but you’re starting to get paid for your expertise.
  • Explore value exchanges: Sometimes, events won’t have a budget for speakers, but they’ll offer valuable perks like a professional video recording of your talk, VIP access, or exposure to their network.
  • Expand your visibility: The key here is to continue building your brand. Every smaller paid gig increases your visibility and credibility, which will help you land bigger opportunities down the road.

Stage 3: The transition to mid-tier gigs

Once you’ve built some momentum and developed a portfolio of smaller paid gigs, it’s time to aim for mid-tier speaking fees, typically between £2,000 and £5,000. At this stage, you’re moving from emerging speaker to professional speaker.

  • Refine your keynote: you should have a signature keynote talk at this point, which you can adapt depending on the audience and the event’s needs.
  • Take a consultative approach: rather than just delivering a canned speech, work with the event organiser to tailor your talk to their audience’s specific needs. This will set you apart from the competition and justify higher fees.
  • Build thought leadership: you’re no longer just speaking—you’re building a reputation as a thought leader in your space. This is the key to transitioning to higher fees.

Stage 4:  Solving big problems

At this level, you’re not just a speaker—you’re a trusted expert. Your expertise is in high demand, and you’re solving big problems for your clients.

  • Focus on impact: The organisations that pay 10k+ for a speaker are looking for someone who can solve a big problem that’s worth ££££££. This means your talk needs to offer insights that will drive significant change for the audience.
  • Create transformative experiences: It’s not enough to simply inform. You need to create an experience that inspires action and drives outcomes.
  • Establish a premium brand: Your fee isn’t just for your time on stage—it’s for your years of experience, your ability to deliver high-impact talks, and the credibility that comes with being a thought leader.

Stage 5: High-impact engagements

Once you’re consistently booking 10k gigs, the next step is to elevate your brand even further. Speakers at this level are often invited to top-tier corporate events, international conferences, and industry summits. The key difference? These talks are more than just speaking engagements—they’re strategic opportunities that drive business outcomes for the client.

Where are you on the path?

Whether you’re just starting out or aiming to level up to those 10k+ gigs, the journey requires strategy, continuous improvement, and a deep understanding of your audience’s needs.

I break down each of these stages in more detail in my latest podcast episode.

Have a listen and then let me know in the comments or DM me where you’re at in your speaking journey—I’d love to hear from you and help you map out your next steps.

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Get instant access to my 3 part masterseries which dives into the steps required to take a strategic approach to building your brand as a paid speaker

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