As a speaker, coach, or consultant, delivering a powerful keynote talk can set you apart as a thought leader in your field. And it’s the most frequent thing I am called on to support my clients in co-creating. 

It’s a fantastic tool to have in your belt, has so many versatile uses and benefits and can get you taken seriously as a paid speaker in the corporate and event worlds. 

And today, I’ve laid it all out, step by step, including the psychology behind the structure and the exact steps to take in my latest pod episode. 

You can expect to learn:

  1. How to harness classical rhetoric to build credibility (ethos), forge an emotional bond (pathos), and present compelling logical arguments (logos) in your keynote. These elements are the bedrock of a persuasive and unforgettable talk.
  1. The secrets to starting and ending your talk with a bang! 
  2. The key insights that will resonate deeply with your audience and inspire them to take meaningful action. 
  3. Master the art of weaving storytelling techniques, like metaphors and parables, into your keynote to make it more engaging and relatable.
  4. The crucial differences between keynote talks and TED Talks, including their objectives, audience engagement, and structure. 

And to give you a taster of what the structure involves here is a nifty little infographic to help

Listen here where I unpack each step in detail. Grab a notebook and pen….

If you’d like to hear about my exciting offer then read on!

Ultimate Speaker Signature Keynote Boot Camp

I’m opening up a unique experience for up to 6 people who would like a hybrid approach to creating a signature talk that gives maximum support and commitment to achieve your speaker goals at a very low price.

I will support you to write and deliver a high quality, fee worthy talk and help you create a strategy to deliver it to the right gigs and the right audience aligned with your expertise.

The support container will last 4 months and you can expect the following outcomes at the end:

  • Get clear on your ideal audience and speaker outcomes in relation to your area of expertise
  • Encapsulate your experience in a unique way by harnessing your own expert method
  • Create your own signature talk using my tried and tested keynote structure
  • Enhance your talk with storytelling, presence, blocking and body language techniques
  • Craft a strategy that gets you noticed, heard and booked for key events/within corporate organisations
  • Get my feedback on your delivery to increase the impact of your words

What’s included in the 4 month container:

Bi weekly zoom calls (8 in total) to help you create your talk and speaker strategy with my consistent support, feedback and advice.

A private FB group to share recordings of your talk and get continuous feedback and advice on the creation process

A 45 minute 121 call to laser in on specific areas of need including stage confidence, talk creation, paid speaker strategy or squashing the imposter.

An in person meet up in Brighton UK to finish the programme to practise your talks in person with live feedback. (if an in-person meet up isn’t possible, this will be held on line.)

Lifetime access to my Ultimate Speaker programme worth £697 which gives you comprehensive tools to build your speaker brand and not only create a signature talk but every other type of talk you could ever need. It also includes pitch strategies for all the key audiences and events, as well as masterclasses on increasing your speaker skills. It’s the perfect compliment to the programme. 

Investment is just £697 or 3 payments of £233

This is the first time I’m running my programme in this hybrid format, and so am offering it at this price to test the concept for future cohorts. 

The cohort will run between September and December with a festive meet up in December at Soho house to celebrate! 

If you’d like to chat about whether this is right for you please contact me or send me a DM and we can arrange a time to talk.

Not interested in taking up the offer?

No worries, tune into the episode where I walk you through the steps to creating your signature talk completely FOC.


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