In the professional world, many of us have learned to don what I call “professional armour.” 

This invisible shield helps us feel confident and capable, but it can also keep us from showing up as our true selves.

Why do we wear the armour?

For many, professional armour is a coping mechanism. It’s the use of formal language,  stiff body posture, and the avoidance of vulnerability. In my corporate career, I used this armour to mask my shyness and anxiety. It worked—up to a point. But over time, I realised it was also creating distance between me and others, making it harder to build genuine connections.

The cost of armour

When we hide behind this facade, it can lead to several negative outcomes:

  • Distance in relationships: overly formal communication or avoiding personal topics can make you seem unapproachable.
  • Inhibited collaboration: If others sense a wall, they may hesitate to share ideas or feedback, stifling innovation and trust building.
  • Increased stress: maintaining a perfect persona is exhausting and can prevent personal growth.

How to remove the armour

The good news is that you don’t have to choose between being professional and being yourself. By understanding and applying concepts like the Johari Window—a tool for enhancing self-awareness and communication—you can start to peel back the layers of that armour.

Here are some steps to get started:

  1. Simplify your language: drop the jargon and speak in a way that’s clear and relatable.
  2. Build personal connections: engage in small talk and show genuine interest in your colleagues’ lives outside of work.
  3. Admit vulnerabilities: It’s okay to say, “I don’t know,” or share a personal challenge. This openness builds trust.
  4. Seek and give feedback: regular, constructive feedback fosters a culture of openness and growth.

Embrace authenticity

Removing your professional armour isn’t about giving up your strengths; it’s about integrating them with your true self. 

When you do, you’ll find that your relationships—with colleagues, clients, and yourself—become more authentic and fulfilling.

If this resonates with you, I encourage you to listen to my latest podcast episode, where I explore these ideas in greater depth.

How does professional armour show up for you? Let’s discuss in the comments or connect with me directly.

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