In today’s crowded market, standing out requires more than just having valuable knowledge. 

Most people I speak to struggle with two things:

  • Believing that they have enough credible expertise to stand out and get recognised in a big way (hello imposter)
  • Not knowing how to communicate that expertise confidently and succinctly on social media, emails, presentations, workshops and talks.

It’s about taking all that fabulous knowledge out of your head and sharing it with the world.

It’s about presenting your knowledge in a way that captures attention and is easy for your audience to understand and remember. 

Are you a coach, consultant or small business owner looking to do this?

I created the expert method process to help. 

The expert method helps you distil your experience into a clear, visual framework that not only highlights your unique skills but also demonstrates how you can solve your clients’ problems effectively. This approach ensures that your message is compelling and resonates with your audience, ultimately leading to greater credibility and success.

And I’m excited to share a special episode I recorded that lays it ALL out for you including how to:

  • Articulate your expertise: Learn how to transform your wealth of knowledge into clear, marketable, and intriguing communication. Step By Step.
  • The Expert Method Process: Discover how to structure your unique skills and experiences into a method that can be easily communicated and remembered.
  • Real-Life Success Stories: Hear from my client, Jo Twistleton, a human change specialist, on how she created her own expert method to support leaders through organsational changes. She not only gives profound insights into her expertise but walks us through the creation of her method: “The Four Fundamentals of Human Change” 

Listen to the full episode and discover how you can apply these principles to your own business to navigate change more successfully.

Would you like more help with this?

My Master series takes you through the components of how to create an expert method

Need more help?

I can help you create your own expert method with my mini intensive

3 hours 121 with me using my trusted process.

2 weeks follow up support for tweaks and feedback.

£997 or split in two

(Please note my in person mini intensive experience is now full for the summer but I am available for 2 online.)

Contact me to book your place

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