Have you ever heard someone tell you a story on a moment by moment, date by date or year by year basis? It’s a common trap to fall into, but in talks, presentations and briefings can leave your audience disengaged and your story lacking impact. 

While a timeline can provide structure, it often fails to fully engage audiences, missing out on emotional resonance and thematic depth. In this article, I share why timeline storytelling might not be the best approach and present alternative techniques that can transform your stories into compelling experiences!

Why timeline storytelling often falls short

Timeline storytelling typically presents events in a linear fashion, which can lead to several issues:

  1. Emotional disconnect: a straightforward recounting of events can lack the emotional depth needed to engage an audience. By focusing on “what happened next,” we often miss the “why” behind actions and emotions.


  1. Predictability: linear narratives can be anticipated, reducing the element of surprise and engagement. Audiences can often see where the story is heading, which diminishes the impact.


  1. Surface-level narratives: strictly chronological stories can gloss over the complexities of characters and themes, failing to explore deeper motivations and backstories.


So what do we do instead?


To create more engaging and resonant narratives, do this instead:

  • Nonlinear narratives: break the timeline by jumping between different time periods or perspectives. This technique can enhance character development and maintain audience interest. Think of films like “Pulp Fiction,” where the story unfolds in a non-sequential manner, keeping viewers intrigued.


  • Thematic structure: organise your story around a central theme rather than a timeline. For example, in a talk about innovation, you could focus on the theme of “resilience” and explore various anecdotes and lessons that support this idea, rather than narrating events in order.


  • Framing devices: use a story within a story to add depth and context. This technique, seen in “Forrest Gump” where Forrest recounts his life on a bench, allows for a reflective exploration of key events and themes.


  • Flashbacks and flash-forwards: this technique allows you to reveal crucial backstory or foreshadow future events, adding complexity and depth to your narrative.


  • Multiple perspectives: presenting different viewpoints on the same events can enrich the narrative, providing a more comprehensive understanding of the story. This approach is effectively used in “Game of Thrones,” where events are seen through the eyes of various characters.


By moving beyond traditional timeline storytelling, you can create narratives that are not only more engaging but also more meaningful. Whether you’re giving a presentation, writing a story, or sharing a personal experience, these techniques can help you connect with your audience on a deeper level.

Ready to transform your storytelling? Listen to my podcast episode, “Ditch Timeline Storytelling and Do This Instead,” for more in depth insights and examples.

Wherever you listen to your podcasts by following this link



Spaces are filling up for my Ultimate Speaker Signature Keynote Boot Camp!

The support container will last 4 months and you can expect the following outcomes at the end:

  • Get clear on your ideal audience and speaker outcomes in relation to your area of expertise
  • Encapsulate your experience in a unique way by harnessing your own expert method
  • Create your own signature talk using my tried and tested keynote structure
  • Enhance your talk with storytelling, presence, blocking and body language techniques
  • Craft a strategy that gets you noticed, heard and booked for key events/within corporate organisations
  • Get my feedback on your delivery to increase the impact of your words

What’s included in the 4 month container:

Bi weekly calls (8 in total) to help you create your talk and speaker strategy with my consistent support, feedback and advice.

A private FB group to share recordings of your talk and get continuous feedback and advice on the creation process

A 45 minute 121 call to laser in on specific areas of need including stage confidence, talk creation, paid speaker strategy or squashing the imposter.

An in person meet up in Brighton UK to finish the programme to practise your talks in person with live feedback. (if an in-person meet up isn’t possible, this will be held on line.)

Lifetime access to my Ultimate Speaker programme worth £697 which gives you comprehensive tools to build your speaker brand and not only create a signature talk but every other type of talk you could ever need. It also includes pitch strategies for all the key audiences and events, as well as masterclasses on increasing your speaker skills. It’s the perfect compliment to the programme. 

Investment is just £697 or 3 payments of £233

This is the first time I’m running my programme in this hybrid format, and so am offering it at this price to test the concept for future cohorts. 

The cohort will run between September and December with a festive meet up in December at Soho house to celebrate! 

If you’d like to chat about whether this is right for you please send me an email at hello@helenpackham.com and we can arrange a time to talk. There are a few places left. 

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