Are you currently falling into the trap?

You have been working away at building a following for some time now but it doesn’t seem to be clicking for you.

It’s damn hard to keep showing up and giving value on every single platform, but it’s just not showing in your monthly bank balance.

You feel like you are flogging a dead horse sometimes because all the tricks and tactics you are trying aren’t working and don’t feel authentic either.

If this sounds familiar? I have something that might help you.

I asked the members of my free Facebook community Courageous Leaders Club

what they needed help with most recently.

Top of the list?

How to convert followers into buyers.

Which if I’m honest I was quite pleased about, because I have spent the last 2.5 years doing just this. People ask me how I do it all the time, and I tell them that I have always wanted to do it in the most authentic way possible.

Not trying to be anyone else
Not trying to do things I’m not comfy with

Just by being me. Simple right?

Leadership Coaching

But there is more to it than that.

Which is why I delivered a free training on how to convert your followers into buyers by just being you.

To watch it you just have to be a member of The CLC.

Give it a watch, hit comment and tell me what you need help most with in this area at the moment. It is possible to build a following of wonderful people who actually want to buy from you!

Much love
Helen x

Pssssssssssst! I’m cooking up something you might be interested in!

I’m looking for just 6 awesome entrepreneurs to work with between January and June 2019 in my first ever exclusive mastermind experience.

If you are looking to take your business to the next level and want to

  • Stand Out as a leader in your field
  • Get recognised as an expert
  • Build a following of loyal fans and clients
  • And win more business

Then read on…..

All Stars Mastermind – what’s involved

1 x 1 hour one to one mindset coaching intensive using the Hogan development survey psychometric tool to understand performance strengths, derailers and saboteurs and how they manifest in action/inaction and business progress.

1 x 1 hour one to one coaching session every month to deep dive into current state of play and create bespoke strategies and actions to stand out and win more business.

1 x group mastermind call every month for peer support and coaching to provide different view points and expertise and create an action plan for change – I use a formula for these sessions taken from my work with executive directors.

Guest experts = paid for experts (at least 4 over the six months) will provide expertise based on your specific needs. These will be people at the top of their game.

2 x in person mastermind days – in London/Brighton – this is where the magic really happens! More opportunity for peer support and coaching using my special formula.

Access to the growing All Stars portal of courses, materials, guest expert sessions and talks.

I will be having calls with anyone interested in the mastermind in order to curate a powerfully effective group of rising All Stars.

If you are interested in taking a place on the mastermind, please book in for a call using the link below.

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