
On The Blog

The 4 Step Process to Nailing Your Story as a Speaker

The 4 Step Process to Nailing Your Story as a Speaker

Never again! That’s the promise I made to myself about 4 years ago now. Never again would I stand up in front of a room full of people. I had spent the best part of 15 years doing it and I thought it was gone. The confidence I once had to work a room, to spark conversation, to engage an audience, to deliver learning and inspiration had left the building, along with any sense of who the hell I was.

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I’m Not Kidding

I’m Not Kidding

I was mapping out a launch strategy with one of my clients the other day and we got talking about FOMO (fear of missing out.) Some people see early birds and bonuses as a sneaky marketing tactic but I like to think of it differently.

I’ve done a fair few launches now and I see that people need help making decisions. I’m the same. If everything was left to me I’d be a buying nightmare! I need to be guided to a decision I know is a good one for me.

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8 Ways To Build Community Round Your Business

8 Ways To Build Community Round Your Business

As an entrepreneur working from home I have experienced loneliness on many occasions. Isolation plays a big part in how we conduct our business. We think we are building relationships because we speak to so many people online every day. But how deep are those relationships? You may have a load of followers but how many of them can you class as true and loyal friends and colleagues?

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How I Learnt To Sell

How I Learnt To Sell

When I first left the corporate world I suddenly realised that there were a bucket load of skills that I didn’t possess. I had no idea what marketing was all about, didn’t have the first clue about how to keep accounts, and the thought of selling gave me the heebie jeebies. It’s safe to say that when I first started trying to ‘sell’ I got it all wrong.

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No Adversity In Your Story?

No Adversity In Your Story?

I work with entrepreneurs just like you every day. And one of the biggest hurdles I help them overcome is owning and appreciating that their story is worth sharing. One of the biggest challenges I hear is – ‘My story isn’t full of great adversity. I don’t know why anyone would want to listen to it. It’s not interesting enough because so many other people experience the same problems. Who am I to stand up and share it?’

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6 Ways You Can Afford To Attend EL Live

6 Ways You Can Afford To Attend EL Live

I’ve spoken to a few peeps recently and I’m hearing a bit of a pattern. You want to invest in yourself but you can’t yet quite justify spending money on things like coaching or live events when you aren’t bringing in enough clients or customers into your business. Sound familiar? The rationale is that once the dosh starts flowing, you will be able to free up some time and money on the luxuries.

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I’ve Been Inundated

I’ve Been Inundated

Have you ever pitched for a speaking gig? I remember when I first resurrected my speaking career. It started a few months before I landed my TEDx gig. I did a google search for all the events that were happening in and around my area, got the email addresses and sent an email to the organisers asking if they were looking for speakers. What I didn’t know back then, which I have learned along the way, is that you need to do a whole lot more than send an email asking for an opportunity.

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