

Listen to my Podcast

Radio and Podcast Appearances:

I co hosted the Brighton Business Show on Radio Reverb with Lisa Moore between 

Listen to previous shows here including our International Women;s Day broadcast from The Brighton Dome here


Then handed over the reins to Lynsey Clay and Sam Thomas in 2023 before coming back on the show for this interview…


The Human Conversation

With Helen Packham

 What if you don’t get made redundant? Handling Survivor Guilt

What Evolution Tells us about Leadership

 Leadership Mindset Podcast with Tony Brooks

The Personal Brand Business Show with Bob Gentle

What’s the one thing people need to know right now?

No More Hiding with Gemma Stow

How speaking can be powerful to raise your visibility

The Effective Statistician Podcast

Answers to 7 questions you probably have about improving your presentations with stories

Fire Starter Mum Podcast 

Discovering the TEDx talk within

No! Not that way! This Way! Podcast

Blushing, Richard Branson and the TEDx stage

Chats with Leaders By Jenn Fenwick

How to Stand out and Communicate Your ideas in a Virtual World

 The School For Mothers Podcast –
Star with Helen Packham


Social Bee Podcast – Create Your Own Event to Raise Your Visibility

Overcoming Fear, Building Confidence and Stepping onto the TEDx Stage 


Live it Love it Sell it- The truth about creating a fantastic event

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