Unlock your story to show up, make money and change lives

Let me take your ideas and turn them into storytelling gold with the Stand Out and Speak Coaching Experience


Are you a coach, consultant or small business looking for ways to increase your authority, impact and reach?  

Maybe you’re at the stage in your business where you’re ready to make bold moves.  You’ve established your business foundations but want to be more visible.

Yet you’re holding yourself back.
You know you need to stand front and centre, but you’re unsure how to leverage your story.

Imagine if you could become crystal clear on the story behind your business, your unique expertise, ideas and messages, so that you can use it as a versatile communication tool to share with the world.
You could use your story on stages across the world, webinars, in your marketing materials. Even with the press.


 That would be amazing right?

But perhaps you don’t know how to take the expertise out of your head and articulate it in a way that gets you noticed. Or use the story behind your business to connect with your ideal audience.

You want to become visible in the online space and build a following. But you don’t know how to leverage your ideas.
You don’t feel like your story is special or different enough to stand out.


 STOP! Right now!

That’s where I come in.
It was 100% possible for me.
It’s has been for my clients.
And it’s TOTALLY possible for you too.

“Some time ago, I sought a recommendation for someone to assist me in developing my keynote talk. Although I possessed ample content, I lacked a cohesive structure. Upon connecting with Helen, I found her assistance to be invaluable. She swiftly helped me pinpoint my key messages, authority statements, and valuable insights within my extensive content. Helen adeptly guided me in integrating storytelling and seamlessly linking sections. Her wealth of experience truly shines through. Patient and meticulous, Helen ensures she comprehends your objectives. Each session was invigorating as I witnessed my content and talk evolve and coalesce. We began crafting a workshop from my keynote, a project I eagerly look forward to continuing. Helen embodies kindness, compassion, and genuine care for her clients. If you seek to create a impactful and engaging talk, I wholeheartedly recommend consulting with Helen. Thank you so much Helen.

Jason Archdale

Motivational Speaker, Coach and President of Yorkshire Professional Speaking Association

Here are 5 reasons why now is the perfect time for you to invest in the Stand Out and Speak Experience.

You build your authority, which makes a big difference if you are an entrepreneur in a market that makes it difficult to get recognised as a credible expert.

You get laser focused clarity. Knowing your story and the messages that make you stand out will enable you to be bold in sharing them in the ways that count most.

You take your speaking skills to the next level. Not only that but you will hone your verbal communication skills so you feel at ease and confident in any situation. succinct, compelling and clear, with no waffle!

You define what your unique voice, expert method and messages are to share far in wide.

You get increased opportunities. Honing your core story, keynote talk, or even knowing what to say on social media will enable you to increase your impact and reach, land the gigs, sign clients and grow your audience.

All the feels. The feeling of standing on a virtual or real life stage? Utterly priceless. It’s one of the most exhilarating and powerful ways to make your mark.

“I’ve thoroughly enjoyed working with Helen over the last few months. I had a lot of different avenues to explore and she zero’d in on exactly where my focus should be, and helped me to craft articles, speeches and posts in order to receive the maximum benefit for my different audiences. She’s a true master of the storytelling art, full of ideas, always professional and meticulous in making every minute count during our hourly sessions. I’m very grateful to have found her, highly recommend her without reservation, and sincerely hope to engage her again once I’ve put her expert help to use at this early stage, to help me to master the next step of my coaching and speaking business.

Zoe Cousens

Executive Coach, Speaker and Founder

Hi, I’m Helen

I’m a verbal communications strategist, podcaster and speaker coach, helping people increase their impact authority and reach through the power of their words.

I spent 15 years in the corporate world helping leaders deliver complex (and often quite dry!) messages in compelling ways to thousands of people.

Along the way I picked up a nifty little tool called storytelling and realised that literally ANYONE, no matter how inexperienced or unconfident, could use it to connect with an audience, build trust and make a big impact.

I’ve been on the journey too.

I spent a good few years hiding due to some life stuff. I lost my voice and vowed never to stand up and speak in front of people again.

After hitting a crunch point and committing to make a change, I gave a TEDx talk at the Brighton Dome, and have since gone on to help people land and deliver their own.

My journey has led to running speaker training programmes, live conferences, workshops, online courses and signature and keynote talks and becoming a TEDx event curator and speaker coach too.

Helen wearing a green dress

I can’t say enough amazing things about Helen. From the moment I met her, I felt as if I had know her for ages. She was kind and compassionate but most importantly she took my current talk and helped me to turn it into something that sparkled! Her knowledge about speaking and verbal communication within business is out of this world! She was a constant support to me during time we worked together and she always responded to all of my questions with the most brilliant answers and ideas.


If you have a desire to enter the speaking world or want to enhance the impact of your communication with others in a business context, OR you’re currently speaking but want to take it to the next level, you absolutely must work with Helen. You’ll not only leave each session with a smile on your face, but you’ll feel like it’s possible to achieve your dreams. Thank you Helen.”

Sarah Hunt

Conference Wellness Expert

Helping coaches and consultants become thought leaders in their field through the power of their words is totally my thing.

And the thing that people tell me most?

‘I don’t know how to tell my story!’

So I did something to help…

An one to one coaching experience where we will…

Uncover the power in your story

Nail the key messages underpinning your business, aligned to your multiple ideal audience

Hone the ideas, opinions and messages that will make you a thought leader in your niche

Create an expert method that perfectly articulates your process

Decide on your speaker strategy and what types of talks suit your story and ideas!

Craft a signature talk that will have any audience on the edge of their seat

Define your visibility strategy including which organisations, event curators, media publications and podcast hosts to get in touch and build relationships with

Create your bespoke story structure, so you can re-tell your story anytime, anywhere

Craft your perfect pitch to land the gig

So let’s look at the details… here’s what you get

​​First we do an assessment determining which areas of the AIR speaker system you would like support with:


Then we have a set up call to get crystal clear on the specific areas of focus and outcomes you want from your experience.

After that we agree on the format of our time together, whether we will meet online or in person and over what duration. It is designed to meet your needs.

During our time together, you have ‘coach in your pocket’ support with me to help you achieve your goals. I’ll be here every step of the way to provide mentorship, accountability and guidance, review work, give feedback and provide a sounding board for your ideas through email and WhatsApp.

Plus you get access to…

My library of talk formulas so you not only get your core story formulated, but the ability to use my recipes for other stories you may want to tell.

My pitch templates so you can pitch your story with ease and never have to start with a blank screen.

My processes and strategies for showing up on social media, telling stories, making money and ultimately changing lives

Supporting advice from experts in the field

My network for speaking and corporate opportunities

And because I want you to enhance your verbal communication so you stand out, are heard and believed you also get access to…

Get instant access to my comprehensive speaker resource that provides everything you need to become a visible and credible expert in your field  

Find out more about ultimate speaker here

Worth £697

I provide this resource to complement our work together and support you beyond the programme so that you can continue to develop strategies and talks for years and years to come using my tried and tested methods.

In Ultimate Speaker you get to:

Think strategically about your speaking career and how you can make it work in your existing business

Develop ‘hot right now’ ideas and messages for your talks that are really needed to empower, educate and inspire

Create your talks using 8 tried and tested structures so that your words flow with ease for maximum impact

Pitch for gigs in the right way so you make the best impression and stand out from the crowd

Get the fundamental foundations in place for ultimate clarity about what makes your a strong brand and thought leader in your niche

Take your skills from presenting to speaking using versatile tools like storytelling, blocking and segueing

Work on your presence and body language so what you say is enhanced by HOW you say it

All this is included when you sign up to the Stand Out and Speak Experience!


“Helen came recommended by a close colleague of mine. Shortly after that I was asked to deliver two talks at a festival conference. Before the session with Helen I felt confused with how to create impact through my story and deliver the message I wanted people to take-away. After time with Helen I felt very clear on how to structure both talks with clarity and simplicity. Helen is really compassionate but also direct and clear (great at communication). I felt supported, understood and I left feeling empowered and with work to do! Helen taught me methods on delivery, all the way to structuring my slides, After watching me speak, she gave me cues on how I could improve. I took all of her tips onboard and I felt at ease and confident on both stages. I have been booked for another event this year and I’m excited to continue my work with Helen as she’s the expert in this field. She really knows how to bring the best out in you and so your audience gets to experience that too. Thank you Helen.”

Kerry Wilde

The Soul Stylist

There are 2 options

Stand Out and Speak:

The Mini

Designed for coaches, consultants and entrepreneurs who are established speakers and want to hone a specific story, talk or message:

  • AIR system assessment
  • Set up call
  • A total 3 hours of one to one coaching time either in person (West Sussex) or virtually
  • One month’s ‘coach in your pocket’ Whatsapp and email support
  • Access to Ultimate Speaker


(payment plan available)

Stand Out and Speak:

The Signature

Designed for coaches, consultants and entrepreneurs who want to create a Signature Talk.

  • AIR system assessment
  • Set up call
  • A total 6 hours of one to one coaching time either in person (West Sussex) or virtually 
  • Three month’s ‘coach in your pocket’ WhatsApp and email support

  • Access to Ultimate Speaker


    (payment plan available)

    Hear from my client Natalie Lancer share about her intensive experience

    What was your experience of working with Helen 1:1?

    What did you get as a result of the support from Helen?

    Would you recommend working with Helen?

    Here’s the good news…


    I know you have a burning passion to get more visible and share what you do.
    That you have a story that needs to be told in order to help others.

    I can guarantee that during our time together we will pull your core story out of your head and turn it into something that will make a big impact.

    You will get clarity on the key message your audience need to hear to connect with you.
    In fact, they’ll come to love you, buy from you and be transformed by you.

    You’ll make your own dent in the universe by supporting and inspiring others by owning your story.

    It’s time. Your story needs to be told.
    If not now, then when?

    “You’ve got hard won experience that you KNOW transforms peoples lives…but you’re just not sure how to actually find those people! 

    As an entrepreneur you can quickly feel disheartened that you’re not having the impact that you want…and then you meet Helen. Those beautiful nuggets that are just waiting to whisper their way into the ears of your ideal client are coaxed out under her coaching. 

    She shares stories and wisdom bombs in equal measure and most of all has a burning passion to make you believe in your own storytelling power.

    If you have the chance to work with her, grab it!”

    Laura Coleman

    Be Modern Meditation

    Let me help you create a stand out talk

    The Stand Out and Speak Experience

    Stand Out and Speak:

    The Mini

    Designed for coaches, consultants and entrepreneurs who are established speakers and want to hone a specific story, talk or message:

    • AIR system assessment
    • Set up call
    • A total 3 hours of one to one coaching time either in person (West Sussex) or virtually
    • One month’s ‘coach in your pocket’ Whatsapp and email support
    • Access to Ultimate Speaker


    (payment plan available)

    Stand Out and Speak:

    The Signature

    Designed for coaches, consultants and entrepreneurs who want to create a Signature Talk.

    • AIR system assessment
    • Set up call
    • A total 6 hours of one to one coaching time either in person (West Sussex) or virtually 
    • Three month’s ‘coach in your pocket’ WhatsApp and email support

    • Access to Ultimate Speaker


      (payment plan available)

      I have known Helen’s work for some time and always enjoyed her passion and enthusiasm in what she does. When I decided to work on my story, expertise  and branding Helen was the perfect choice to help me with it. She immediately attuned to what I needed at the time and offered the right support. Helen is incredibly knowledgeable and she shares her knowledge generously and at the same time she takes you on a journey of self discovery. Helen is also extremely compassionate and her down to earth approach makes you feel at ease straight away. I loved working with Helen and I would definitely recommend her.

      Cristina La Cara

      Organisational Development Specialist

      Have questions? Book a call

      Frequently asked questions

      Who is the Stand Out and Speak Experience for?

      I designed Stand Out and Speak specifically for business owners, coaches and entrepreneurs who have the foundations of their business in place and are looking to take their expertise and c communication to the next level by developing their core story, creating an expert method and developing their own signature talk. I can also support corporate leaders who are looking to develop their verbal communication skills or deliver a talk or presentation and academics who need to present their findings or research to an audience.

      Do I have to be experienced as a speaker?

      Not at all. I can start from the very beginning by helping you look at speaking as part of your business strategy, how you use your story and messages to communicate to your audience and how you can use speaking and storytelling to win more business. We will draw it all out of your head and put it into a structure that you can confidently share and deliver with impact.

      I am already experienced as a speaker, how can you help me?

      If you are looking to take your speaking skills to the next level, diversify your talk offering or branch out into corporate speaking or keynote delivery, I can help. The techniques and tools I use are gleaned from my years in corporate training delivery, my expertise in storytelling and my experience of delivering keynotes and a TEDx talk, and working with some awesome speaker mentors myself.

      I need help sharing my story in my content marketing, can you help?

      Yes. The core story work we do will enable you to use your story in your social media posts, blogs, videos, webinars or with the press. In podcast or radio interviews, anywhere that helps you get super visible and recognised as an expert in your field.

      I want to know how I can land speaking gigs, does the intensive cover this?

      Part of our work together will be to form a strategy and action plan identifying where you want to speak, what the end goals are and how to do it the right way so you stand out and land the gigs.

      How does the process work?

      After an initial assessment using the AIR speaker system, we have a clarity call to agree on the key outcomes you want to achieve by the end of our time together. We then meet in person (if in Sussex) or online for our sessions and dive into the process.

      During our time together your receive coach in your pocket WhatsApp and email support for a period of 1 month (mini) and three months (signature).

      How is it delivered?

      At the time of writing, I am able to offer in person in Brighton at Soho House or an agreed location in the Sussex area. If online, the mini can be split over 2 or 3 sessions and the signature can be split over 4-6 sessions.  Coach in your pocket support is  given over WhatsApp voice note, email, and Zoom if required.

      What makes you qualified to offer this service?

      I have spent 20 years coaching and training leaders on how to communicate more effectively and make an impact with their words. My go to skills were in conflict resolution, influence, negotiation, presentations, events, and internal comms. I picked up the powerful tool of storytelling in this time and found it could be used by anyone regardless of confidence level or personality type to communicate with impact.

      After leaving the corporate world I delivered a TEDx talk and went on to run speaker programmes and workshops. I have delivered key note talks, run my own events, am a radio presenter, podcaster and was a TEDx curator and speaker coach. I have also been lucky enough to be mentored by some amazing international speakers.

      What does the coach in your pocket support look like?

      Depending on your needs, it is designed to put your plan into action. Whether that be putting your talk together and sending me videos for feedback. Helping you structure and reviewing your pitches, providing advice on how to share your story in your content or online marketing, and providing support and guidance if you are feeling stuck or worried about getting yourself out into the world.

      I am a coach in your pocket through the support period to help keep you accountable and moving so that you achieve your dream goals.

      Do you give refunds?

      The programme is non refundable.

      Can I talk to you before signing up?

      Absolutely. I want to make sure that the Stand Out and Speak Experience is right for your specific circumstances. You can book a complimentary call with me here.

      Have another questions?

      Hit me up via email hello [at]  helenpackham [dot] com. I’ll answer all your questions personally.

      More praise for Helen

      “I worked with Helen to help me formulate my story. I had struggled for some time with what I wanted to say and how I would say it. I honestly didn’t think I had anything interesting to say or that anyone would want to listen. After just a few hours with Helen we had formulated my core story and decided on a list of further topics I could talk about. Either on stage or on my social media.

      Helen is so warm and friendly so it was easy for me to share my life story with her. But what was impressive was how she distilled the relevant facts from my story in a sensitive and thoughtful way. She also helped identify the various platforms I could use to share my story and who I should be connecting with. I have since shared my story on Facebook lives, in my newsletters and on my website. I have had such a wonderful response from people and really feel as though I’m connecting with my audience on a much deeper level. 

      If you are looking for a way to share your core story a way that feels natural and genuine, you have to work with Helen.”

      Sarah Aspinall

      Breaking Ballet Founder

      Max Gooding & Kate Wood

      Noodle Co-Founders

      “Helen has been a fantastic coach for us through the launch and beyond of our new business, Noodle.

      She was crucial for helping us find and convey our story in a way that works for any audience and has given us so much practical advice too for our social media presence and podcast series. 

      She’s such a champion and gives us honest, usable insight as to where we should focus our time, money and energy. 

      She makes even the difficult parts of being an entrepreneur feel genuinely worth it – she’s been there, done it and knows what she’s on about.”

      Michelle Roberton

      Sexual Trauma and Intimacy Alchemist

      “Helen supported me in creating a pathway of my core story in a way that was respectful to those I cherish aligned with my truth and of service to those I desire to support, while condensing it down and without minimising its strong message.

      She made what for years, had seemed too ‘much’ take shape easier for me to believe ‘yes, I can share this’, ‘yes it is so time!’ Helen is the fairy godmother of making our passions to share our voices possible.”

      “Helen is adept at drawing the story out of ideas and then helping to craft that story, making it flow in a gentle and encouraging manner so that I didn’t feel criticised. 

      Her energy coupled with her warm and supportive style makes the whole experience comfortable, at the same time I feel encouraged to take the next steps in making my talks more interesting. 

      Thank you Helen”

      Wendy Capewell

      Founder of the Love, Listen, Talk, Repeat Podcast

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