With Helen Packham


I’ll teach you the skills, tools, strategies and steps  to Courageously show up.

Share your ideas. Make money AND change lives in the process.

Are you ready to
Be the STAND OUT AUTHORITY in your niche?

To become a
Credible SOUGHT AFTER speaker?

By knowing
How to LAND THE BEST TALKS and deliver them with confidence.

When it comes to making speaking a door opener to leads, clients and credibility…

Is any of this true for you?

You aren’t sure if you are ‘expert’ enough to taken seriously as a paid speaker.

You are unclear on what topics to speak about to really stand you apart, be taken seriously and gain the authority you crave.


You are passionate about helping as many people as possible but fear gets in the way of you getting on stage.


You currently rely on your power point slides for confidence but it feels like a presentation rather than an inspiring talk.


You might have one talk you rinse and repeat on but need to up your game in order to increase your impact and command a fee.


You might have a few talks under your belt but know that in order to land the bigger talks you need to build on your speech writing skills and delivery.


You are unsure how to pitch for gigs successfully without sounding selfish or salesy, or you simply don’t know where to apply.


You have a dream to stand on the TEDx stage but it sounds like so much effort you aren’t sure if it’s really worth it.

Can you imagine…

How it would feel to be under the warmth of  stage lights and hear the rapturous applause of an audience because of what YOU have to share (without freaking out with nerves)?

What would it feel like to have instant authority and reach by seeing YOUR TEDx talk on the 37.million strong TEDx YouTube channel?

What about being in the comfort of your home office speaking to a global virtual audience about what you are most passionate about? (With no lengthy commute!)

How would your business change if you were being paid to give a signature keynote talk to your ideal client audience?

Imagine being able to confidently speak to an audience so they are hanging on the edge of their seats and wanting more!

So that you are:

Recognised as a credible expert in your field and thought leader for your ideas

Building another income stream into your business 

Stepping into your growth zone by developing the most crucial and versatile skill in business, the art of verbal communication

Having a number of talks in your toolbox to pull out at a moment’s notice

Building your own signature keynote talk that gets you paid.


Sarah Hunt


“I can’t say enough amazing things about Helen. From the moment I met her, I felt as if I had know her for ages. She was kind and compassionate but most importantly she took my current talk and helped me to turn it into something that sparkled! Her knowledge about speaking and verbal communication within business is out of this world! She was a constant support to me during time we worked together and she always responded to all of my questions with the most brilliant answers and ideas. If you have a desire to enter the speaking world or want to enhance the impact of your communication with others in a business context, OR you’re currently speaking but want to take it to the next level, you absolutely must work with Helen.

Laura Coleman

Be Modern Meditation

“You’ve got hard won experience that you KNOW transforms peoples lives…but you’re just not sure how to actually find those people! 

As an entrepreneur you can quickly feel disheartened that you’re not having the impact that you want…and then you meet Helen. Those beautiful nuggets that are just waiting to whisper their way into the ears of your ideal client are coaxed out under her coaching. 

She shares stories and wisdom bombs in equal measure and most of all has a burning passion to make you believe in your own storytelling power. I completed her Land and Deliver programme and found it helpful WAY beyond my expectations. 

If you have the chance to work with her, grab it!”


The Ultimate Speaker

Ultimate Speaker: includes everything you need to make it as a credible keynote speaker in your field

I’ve poured in all of my knowledge and experience of training and coaching corporate leaders to deliver compelling messages in exciting ways, and my extensive experience as TEDx speaker and coach into these programmes with all the skill building, strategies and steps you need to ACE IT as a speaker.

Let’s break it down

Here is what you will learn to do:

Think strategically about your speaking career and how you can make it work in your existing business

Develop ‘hot right now’ ideas and messages for your talks that are really needed to empower, educate and inspire

Create your talks using 8 tried and tested structures so that your words flow with ease for maximum impact

Pitch for gigs in the right way so you make the best impression and stand out from the crowd

Get the fundamental foundations in place for ultimate clarity about what makes your a strong brand and thought leader in your niche

Take your skills from presenting to speaking using versatile tools like storytelling, blocking and segueing

Work on your presence and body language so what you say is enhanced by HOW you say it

Ultimate Speaker Breakdown

Ultimate Speaker is designed to be followed over 6 modules which you can do in six weeks, however, you can work at your own pace and take as little or as much time as you need.

Get speaker ready by forming a strategy for your speaking career so that you are taking real action towards your goals

Develop the foundations required to confidently put yourself out there with clarity on your expertise and topics

Choose a talk structure that is aligned with your goals and follow the step by step guides on how to write it (there are 8 to choose from)

Practice in The Rehearsal Stage support group: a safe space to work on your talk out of the public eye

Create a pitch strategy that has you reaching out and taking action with crystal clarity on who to pitch to and where

Learn the tricks that enable you to dive straight in and start creating talks with ease

Start practising your talk using my tried and tested techniques

Uplevel your talk by using storytelling, visual storytelling, blocking and segueing

Move past your fears and feel confident to be visible just by being yourself

Find out what to charge for speaking gigs and how to get to 5 figure fees

Get clued up on what makes a banging virtual keynote so that you can deliver talks from your own home

Get Speaker Ready!

Define your own personal speaker goals

Establish your thought leader brand 

Identify your expert method

Develop your core story

Start your story journal

Learn how to dive straight in without getting held back

Develop your core message

Join The Rehearsal Stage Support Group

Craft Your Talk Part One

Understand how all talks are structured using the All Talk Format

Pick the best talk to develop following step by step guides for 8 talk structures including:


A signature / keynote talk

A turbo talk 

3 types of TEDx style talk

A business focused ‘sell from the stage’ style talk

An interactive talk

An inspirational / motivational style talk

Craft Your Talk Part Two

Learn how to build and uplevel your talk from presenter to sought after speaker by:

Rehearsing and preparing for your talk the right way

Using storytelling to take your talk to the next level

The art of segueing: how to link your talk together in a seamless way

Build Your Presence

Understand how your presence impacts your talk delivery

Learn about different types of presence and how to build it every day

How to enhance your talk with body language, blocking and slides

How to remove mindset obstacles to show up as your authentic self

Overcoming stage fright

Overcoming visibility blockers

Land The Gig

How and where to find decision makers

Finding events to speak at

How to pitch

Pitch swipe file examples

Advice on speaker fees and charging for gigs

Advice on speaker reels and video submissions

Give It A Whirl

Bring all your knowledge together to practice your talk

Practice in the rehearsal stage support group

How to get gig ready 

What you need to know about virtual keynotes

What you need to know about tech

The AIR assessment: looking at the bigger picture with your speaking career

Are you in?

There are two options to join us!

All Access includes:

Instant access to all modules, interactive PDFs, swipe files and downloads for Ultimate Speaker in an easy to follow format

Access to The Rehearsal Stage Support group where you can practice in a safe space

Lifetime access to the course and frequent updates and additions


VIP Pass

Instant access to all modules, interactive PDFs, swipe files, and downloads for Ultimate Speaker in an easy-to-follow format

Access to The Rehearsal Stage Support group where you can practice in a safe space

Lifetime access to the course and frequent updates and additions


A 30 minute 121 coaching call with me for bespoke support on your speaker needs to get you taking immediate action and seeing results.
Valid for three months

2 talk reviews: My personal feedback on your talk recording so that you feel super confident in how your talk is structured and how you are delivering it for maximum impact. Valid for six months.

2 pitch reviews to help you land your gig so that you stand out from other applicants and get noticed for the right things. Valid for six months.


I knew Helen was someone I wanted to work with & learn from after hearing her speak at an event, so when Land & Deliver was offered I jumped at the chance. I learnt so much from the programme and used that to apply for a speaking opportunity I really wanted – and landed it! Helen’s knowledge, passion & enthusiasm shines through in all that she does and I’m looking forward to working with her again in the future.

Emma Roscoe

100% recommend Helen and her Ultimate Speaker programme. It was refreshing to see her hard work and commitment to help others and give so much value. Amazing program and recommend it to anyone looking to gain more confidence and knowledge on public speaking. You will not regret it. I got so much from the course that I will be doing so many more public speaking events in the New Year and have a structure to where my talks will be focused on. Thank you Helen.

Cillian Keane

I have spoken in public in my corporate world for a long time but moving into it being in a different, less corporate area meant I needed to look at different formats. The program was well structured and the support from Helen and the group was amazing. I am so much more confident and landed my first speaking gig 🎉

Sian Prigg

Sarah Hunt

Tony Brooks

Adele Stickland

Are you in?

There are two options to join us!

All Access includes:

Instant access to all modules, interactive PDFs, swipe files and downloads for Ultimate Speaker in an easy to follow format

Access to The Rehearsal Stage Support group where you can practice in a safe space

Lifetime access to the course and frequent updates and additions


VIP Pass

Instant access to all modules, interactive PDFs, swipe files, and downloads for Ultimate Speaker in an easy-to-follow format

Access to The Rehearsal Stage Support group where you can practice in a safe space

Lifetime access to the course and frequent updates and additions


A 30 minute 121 coaching call with me for bespoke support on your speaker needs to get you taking immediate action and seeing results

2 talk reviews. My personal feedback on your talk recording so that you feel super confident in how your talk is structured and how you are delivering it for maximum impact

2 pitch reviews to help you land your gig so that you stand out from other applicants and get noticed for the right things. 


I came across Helen after seeing an excellent training video about how to secure a TEDx Talk.

The application process was proving to be a needle in a haystack type of mission but Helen guided me through it with clear experience and positivity.

In her coaching she gave honest feedback, positive encouragement and enthusiastic alternatives which made the while process more manageable and, more importantly, successful!! I delivered my TEDx at the TEDx Doncaster Positive Disruptor event.

Nikki Alderson – Women’s Leadership and Talent International Coach

Hi, I’m Helen

and just over 7 years ago, I was hiding in my home with postnatal anxiety disorder.

I had run away from my corporate career as a leadership development trainer and coach and believed I was incapable of standing up in front of a room full of people ever again.

The thought of it made me physically sick, I even struggled to talk to friends on the street.

Avoidance became my coping mechanism.

I tried to forge a path of staying small and insignificant but there was a voice inside me that got louder and louder. I decided to start listening to that voice and set some big goals. I put a vision board together and put three red letters in the middle, TED. 

I figured what better way to prove to myself that I could move past my fears of public speaking? Well, 7 months later I was standing on the stage of the Brighton dome giving a TEDx talk to 1500 people. 

From that moment on I was on a mission to help people move past their fear and share their stories and ideas with confidence. I truly believe that everyone has the innate skill to speak in public AND I also believe that everyone has a TED worthy story inside them. 

Helen wearing a green dress

It’s just a case of bringing it out!

In the years since that moment I have fully stepped into my niche. I went back to training and coaching senior leaders in delivering talks, presentations and briefings, influencing others with their words. And I’ve been helping coaches, small business owners and entrepreneurs to shape their big ideas, put them into talks and share them confidently with the world. I have hosted my own conferences, collaborated on fire walking seminars, and it has been an honour to be a TEDx speaker coach and curator for a TEDx event too. 

Now I’m making all this knowledge accessible in a practical and exciting way by pouring it all into The Ultimate Speaker Solution.

Frequently asked questions

Will The Ultimate Speaker Guarantee me a speaking gig?

Whilst I can’t make any promises about guaranteeing you a speaking gig, I can promise this:
The methods I share in this course have proven 100% successful not only in my case but also with my clients too. I share strategies that are overlooked and that hold the key to really standing out and getting noticed.
If you take the VIP option you also get my feedback on your talk recordings, pitch reviews PLUS a 121 call with me to ensure you get in the best position possible to land the gig. I have industry insider knowledge to help you get there and I have included this in the programme! Check out my testimonials for people who have seen success.

Is focusing on this really worth my time and money?

As Warren Buffet once said ‘If you improve your value by 50% by having better communication skills, it’s another $500,000 in capital value.’ Simply put, the skills you learn in this course won’t just help you to confidently stand on a stage and give a talk, it will help you in ALL areas of verbal communication within your business. Being able to confidently articulate yourself is one of the most versatile and profitable skills you can learn. Add to that the opportunity to become a skilled paid speaker, it’s well worth your time and money to invest in your own development in this area.

Am I at the right level to do this?

This programme designed to meet you wherever you are on your speaker journey. If you are just starting out and have never given a talk, follow it step by step to give you the tools, confidence and knowledge to get your first gig. If you have a few under your belt and want to to do more, there is plenty to work with to use different structures, skills and strategies. If you are an experienced speaker, you will learn how to take your skills to the next level, land higher paid gigs and land corporate talks. 

I’m not sure ‘self study’ courses work fo me

I understand everyone learns differently, so have ensured I have covered off all bases when putting this solution together. My courses are designed to be followed to help you learn at a higher rate and implement what you have learnt. There are interactive PDF work books for you to complete, with step by step processes to follow.

How will the course help me hone my message?

There are modules specifically focused on helping you hone your core message. It is a crucial part for the talk shaping process and I take you right through it.

I know what I want to say but don’t know how to put it together, how will this programme help?

My 15 plus years within the corporate world enabled me to pick up and develop many structures for delivering effective speeches, briefings and presentations. I have taken that knowledge along with my extensive experience in the public speaking world (and the world of TEDx) and have provided EIGHT different talk structures that you can use for every type of talk imaginable. It’s all there available for you to access instantly and I provide PDF breakdowns and high level visuals so you won’t get lost.

I have a real fear of public speaking, how will this programme help me overcome it?

I know that this can be the biggest factor holding people back from making their dreams of public speaking a reality. I hear you, I was there too! I’ve included guided visualisations, exercises, tips and advice on how to dissolve your fears and show up confidently.

I have no clue how to start looking for speaking gigs will the course help with this?

I’ve got you covered! There are modules dedicated to outlining what you need to do step by step to apply, no matter what the process might be. I provide information for direct outreach, application form processes and also include inside tips and tricks from a curator/ event decision-makers point of view to get you noticed. 

Will the course include how to actually pitch?

I’ve included all the possible ways that you can pitch for an event. Whether your pitch, is cold, warm or hot! And whether the event is local, an industry conference or a corporate paid gig.. I give you all my inside knowledge from hosting and curating my own events. 

Do you give refunds?

If you aren’t satisfied with your purchase within seven days I provide a money back guarantee. All you need to do is get in touch, explain what you have implemented so far and why you aren’t satisfied and I’ll give you your money back.

Anything I haven’t answered? Hit me up via email hello[at]helenpackham[dot]com. I’ll answer all your questions personally.

Our Guarantee

We want you to be 100% confident when you enroll in The Ultimate Speaker Solution.

There’s literally no risk involved, because you’re backed by our 7 day money back guarantee! All we ask is that you give the programmes a go, show us what you have implemented and if you aren’t happy within 7 days of purchase we will give you your money back.

‘I had the amazing good fortune to find Helen when I enrolled in her excellent TEDx speaker training (Land and Deliver) course.

I found her to be super professional, enthusiastic, and extremely helpful.

Working with her gave me priceless inspiration and self belief, and it is in large part thanks to her that I recently landed my TEDx talk with TEDx Frankfurt. Thanks a million, Helen!’  

Zoe Cross – Empowerment Career Coach

Zoe’s TEDx talk – Overcoming rejection by smiling with your heart

‘This course helped me to find a talk that will be compelling to event organisers.

It helped me recognise the titles and content had been too woolly before.

The help to structure my pitch was really useful too. I now feel more motivated to seek out events to speak and contact Tedx curators, even if in my case, where my talk has already been rejected.’

Wendy Capewell

It was such an honour to be on the Ultimate Speakers program as l have grown and am evolving everyday. I was so confused and frustrated without clear clarity of how to create a story, my core message and let alone even present it.I have since learnt a lot about my identity and how powerful story telling is.. I am so grateful, excited and ready to make an impact and thank you Helen for creating this amazing program for people like me.

Tula Coombes

‘I knew Helen was someone I wanted to work with & learn from after hearing her speak at an event, so when Land & Deliver was offered I jumped at the chance.

I learnt so much from the programme and used that to apply for a speaking opportunity I really wanted – and landed it!  

Helen’s knowledge, passion &enthusiasm shines through in all that she does.

Emma, Happiness Trainer & Speaker

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