7 Wins From #ProjectYou

7 Wins From #ProjectYou

Woah, I’m back after a long and much-needed break! A few weeks ago we started #ProjectYou over in the Courageous Leaders Club and the results have been amazing for everyone who participated. Today I wanted to share with you the wins I have experienced...
I Nearly Quit Last Week

I Nearly Quit Last Week

Last Friday I said ‘stuff it all I quit!’ I was at the end of my rope. The funny thing was, I didn’t see it coming at all. It crept up on me like a sneaky black panther. At first I thought I had caught another one of my kiddies bugs. Then there I was...
Are you an Ostrich?

Are you an Ostrich?

Hello. My name’s Helen and I am a recovering procrastinator. I do it. We all do it, and we have all done it for a very long time. Sticking our head in the sand and putting things off is a bad habit. But this is a good thing! It means that it can be unlearned. We...

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